Monday, April 28, 2008

To Mandi or not to Kisah Suren.

Suren, from what I remember long time ago this death metal, heavy metal, scrap metal fellow who came all the way from NegRI to study in the land of style and opportunity Selangor was introduced to me in the mid of 1990 by a friend of mine who call himself Sara who fell in love with a Pest control girl but that's all together different story lets comeback to Suren now.

Sara use to drive a Nissan Giggy Giggy Van, I call it the Giggy Giggy van because there were more tweeters in the van than any other speakers, mid range and bass all, I think exhaust pipe did the job and also it’s a no smoking Van but some goons like Alvin and Cicak will smoke without Sara’s knowing la I yoh I tell you funny ass shit man. The theme song at that time was “come out and play” by offspring. I would call it the Zaman Kegemilangan Informatics.

The Encounter

One day Sara picked me up from Knowledge computer, where I use to work, on that day there was a weirdly dressed guy sitting in the front seat of the Giggy Giggy Van. Sara introduced me to him saying “hey this is Nesan’s cousin say hello” Nesan was a friend’s friend. We were going somewhere on that day. I think Suren to the bus stand, I hmmm don’t know la where I was heading can’t remember, but what I remembered Sara stopped at the Kedai Kasut Karim and went down to get something. This weirdly dressed boy played the offspring song come out and play. He cranked up the volume pretty loud and that fellow start to sing and play the air drum la. This was the first time meeting him and he was playing the air drum just imagine how terrified I was. What do you think my first impression was? So I also decided to sing along not to offend that fellow. This weirdly dressed boy was amazed looked at me wearing office wear and all, can do the offspring stunt. So he asked “you also know offspring ah, you don’t look like offspring type”. What the F@(k that suppose to mean la.

To be continued……. On the next episode we will cover Suren’s life threatening love life and the tak mandi story.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Making A Comeback!!!

2hands 1Foot has been away for sometime now....i'll be back soon!!!